ARMATURY Group cooperates with students
On 28th of February 2018, the event called Labour Market took place at the Secondary Industrial School in Ostrava, where eighteen important representatives of engineering companies from the Ostrava region were presented.

Of course, ARMATURY Group was not absent on this event and offered professional practice and training to students. The aim of the meeting was to mediate contacts between employers and students and to get acquainted with more employers in one place. Additionally, it helped to get an overview of what companies produce and what employers offer to students.
ARMATURY Group has offered the opportunity to practice and training to students, as well as an opportunity for post-graduate employment in this perspective company. The company’s employees are ready to pass on their experience in the production of industrial valves to students. The first reaction from the students shows a great interest in professional practice and subsequent employment in ARMATURY Group.
“In this difficult time, companies are missing experts, like machinists with secondary education. Industrial secondary schools offer students fields of study that we exactly need: mechanical engineering, computer technology, programmer and operator of CNC machines, mechanic adjusting and metal machining, and operation of standard machine and NC,” the HR manager of ARMATURY Group Petra Janoštíková evaluates the event and adds: “The interest in our company was enormous, in a few days we received three applications for summer practice and summer jobs.“