
Supporting a low-carbon future

Together as a company we are extremely well positioned for the green transition. Already 75% of our sales are coming from industries which are enabling a low-carbon future, as well as products which help our customers to reduce their emissions.

Reducing carbon footprint

We have been calculating and actively reducing our own carbon footprint since 2019. Our core actions include switch to electricity produced from renewables, heating system investments at our factories, product technical improvements and material choices, as well as reduced production wastage.

Carbon-neutral by the end of 2024

We have an ambitious goal to achieve carbon neutrality in our own operations by the end of 2024 (Scopes 1 and 2 according to GHG Protocol). We continue to work to reduce our indirect emissions also in Scope 3 by product technical improvements and innovative material choices.

Sustainability is at the heart of our operations.

We want to be a sustainable employer building profitable business while being an active part of the green transition – not only through our products but also by changing the way we operate our business with the help of our ESG framework. Concrete actions tell best about sustainability!

Corporate sustainability is the foremost asset guiding Vexve's business. We are building a profitable business in an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable manner. We are committed to developing our processes and relationships to our stakeholders over the long-term and to create smart and environmentally friendly solutions.

In practice, our sustainability to customers is shown with quality and durability of our products, as well as an assurance that all Vexve’s products are manufactured according to highest business principles. Locally, sustainability means we are a reliable employer, and we actively support the development of the regions we operate in.

Together we can build a greener future!