ARMATURY Group has obtained orders in amount of one billion
By 1st March 2018, ARMATURY Group has obtained orders in the amount of one billion - 63 % of the plan for this year.

“We have reached revenue in the amount of one billion in a record time this year, if we compare this result with last two years, it is a month earlier than in 2017 and two months earlier than in 2016. In 2016, we expected such sales by the beginning of May”, the business director Libor Kremel evaluates the first quarter of the year.
Another positive fact is that we have increased the share of own production in total revenues. The ARMATURY Group’s own production represents nearly 60 % sales which mostly consist of orders of ball, check, butterfly and metallurgical valves.
Regarding target countries, the highest number of contracts has been in the Czech Republic, followed by Slovakia, Poland, France, the Russian Federation, Austria, Serbia and other countries not only from Europe. The biggest customers of the company in this period are Doosan Škoda Power ČR, NET4GAS ČR, Mondi Štětí ČR, Eustream Slovakia, Gaz-System Poland, NIS Serbia.
ARMATURY Group is a leading manufacturer of industrial valves in the Czech Republic. In recent years, Armatury Group has invested in the development of its own production, built new production halls and acquired modern technology. It owns the industrial area of 30,000 m² in Dolni Benešov - Silesia, "Nowadays, you can meet AG products in more than 70 countries around the world. Our future goal is to continue in export developments, we intend to attract partners in the Middle East, North and Central Africa markets," Libor Kremel summarizes.