Cooperation between VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and ARMATURY Group.
The cooperation between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TU) and ARMATURY Group can be divided into two levels.

The first is cooperation in solving research projects of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO TRIO) and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR TREND) and the second is the assistance and support of ARMATURY Group in the development of the student formula.
Mutual interplay in the field of science and research
Armatury Group is an active player in the field of science and research and has established cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in this area. In 2015, they started to prepare the first project for the MIT TRIO "Development of a new series of cryogenic ball valves, technology of their production and testing" with a solution period of 2016–2018. This successfully solved project was followed by the second project of the same call with a solution period of January 2019 to June 2022 and entitled "Development of a new series of medium-pressure gate valves, technology of their production and testing methodology, simulating 60 years of service life".
This second project is close to a successful resolution. Both projects are indirectly followed by the project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic entitled "Development of a new series of welded gate valves for industry, power engineering and design of production technology using the principles of Industry 4.0", which they started jointly solving in January 2021 and should be completed in the last month of 2024. Lukáš Kušnír – Director of Research and Development at ARMATURY Group and Prof. Ing. Robert Čep, Ph.D. – Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, but also team members from both organizations who participate in solving the projects. This fruitful cooperation produces not only results useful for industry, but also for master and doctoral theses.
Student project Formula
The cooperation of ARMATURY Group with the project Formula Student of VSB-TUO began in 2017, during the construction of the 3rd Vector 03 monopost, where the company employees helped the students with drawing documentation and subsequent production of the frame for the Vector 03 monopost. With this single-seater, the production accuracy has increased compared to previous single-seaters (which were welded by other companies).
This increased accuracy was appreciated by both the members of the chassis team and the team mechanics, who had a lighter job of assembling. The handling of the 3rd single-seater was also a big step forward, which was also reflected in the races. By cooperating with the company, the company provided students with valuable advice on how to create drawing documentation comprehensible on practical examples, and not only pre-prepared school elaborations.
They also had the opportunity to cooperate with people from the operation, who pass on their valuable experience in the field of construction and welding, and also here students can solve their diploma theses and later find employment in the ARMATURY Group. The company assisted students in the production of a total of four frames of SAE Formula student single-seaters.
The fourth vector 04 monopost is now exhibited in the Great World of Technology in the Lower Vítkovice area and students took part in the UAE Italy and UAE Czech Republic races with it, among others. The student team and the faculty management appreciate this cooperation and believe that it will continue in the coming years.
Prof. Ing. Robert Čep, Ph.D. – Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Project Solver.
Bc. Samuel Cienciala – captain of SAE Formula student, VSB-TUO