Customer satisfaction at a record high
Vexve received excellent results in the spring customer satisfaction survey.

Vexve received excellent results in the spring customer satisfaction survey. In particular, our customers and distributors appreciate the quality of our products, the expertise of our personnel and our reliability as a partner.
At Vexve, customer satisfaction is a top priority. This is clearly demonstrated by the customer satisfaction survey, which was carried out for the fourth time this spring and sent to 500 Vexve contacts in over 30 countries. The customers’ feedback is extremely valuable to us and we use it to further improve Vexve's operations.
“We have almost always development projects underway that are based on the results of the customer satisfaction survey," reveals Vexve’s Customer Service Manager Paula Heikkinen.
Over the past six years, our customer satisfaction has improved steadily. On an NPS rating scale of -100...+100, our overall score from the 2023 customer satisfaction survey was a whopping 72! The overall average score for the B2B surveys conducted by is 37, which also tells something about how remarkable the result is.
"This result would not have been achieved without the efforts of our entire order-supply chain. They are an important part of creating a positive customer experience," says Heikkinen.

Three above the rest
We received the most positive feedback in the survey for the quality of our products, the expertise of our personnel and our reliability as a partner. All three are a source of great pride for us and we make an effort to maintain them at a high level.
"In terms of product quality, we have been working systematically for a long time. We have also started to organize regular product and industry trainings to maintain our employees’ high level of expertise," Heikkinen cites as examples.
Whether it’s about professionalism, the ability to keep our promises or general reliability, the quality across the board is what makes us a reliable partner in the eyes of our customers.
"In addition to continuous development, we also make sure to take care of the cornerstones of our operations, the so-called customer promises, which include customer satisfaction but also response time promise and delivery reliability. For example, our delivery reliability was 99%* in the first half of the year", Heikkinen adds.
Despite the good results in the most recent customer satisfaction survey, our work is still not over. At Vexve, we strive to be a valuable partner for our customers and distributors not only in present but also in the future which is why also the next developmental steps are already in place!
*Average of Vexve factories between 1-6/2023, confirmed delivery time vs. realized delivery time

Maria Kalli
Director, District Energy
+358 50 379 1730
District Energy
Represented brands
- Vexve