District heating operators deepen cooperation in the heating market
District heating business operators have established a national association, FinDHC ry (Finnish District Heating and Cooling Association).

Picture: Signatories to the FinDHC Association's charter on Tuesday October 4 in Hyvinkää. Photograph Paula Lehto.
The Association will further enhance the reputation of district heat as a form of heating and will be actively involved in the debate on heating solutions. In addition, the association promotes the export of Finnish technology expertise and services related to district heating.
The association's founding meeting was held October 4 in Hyvinkää City Hall.
"It is important that customer decisions are based on correct and sufficient information about the most appropriate heating system for them," says member of the association board of directors, Matti Laukkanen, CEO of Hyvinkään Lämpövoima Oy.
The district heating market share in Finland is currently about 50 per cent with more than 60 per cent in new construction of. Finland is one of the pioneers internationally in the district heating sector.
"However, the industry has lacked a national body to take care of the long term image development, marketing and promotion of exports of district heating," says Imatran Lämmön Oy CEO Vesa-Pekka Vainikka, who was elected association chairman of the board.
In addition to Vainikka and Laukkanen, elected board member include: Anna-Stiina Boström Vexve Oy, Ari-Matti Mattila Kauhavan Kaukolämpö Oy, Ilkka Reko Vantaan Energia Oy, Janne Alpua Haapajärven Lämpö Oy, Juha Rokkanen inPulse Works Oy, Pasi Muurinen Tampereen Sähkölaitos Oy and Reima Lassila Kuopion Energia Oy.
"Vexve is honored to be endorsed together with our customers for district energy awareness," says Anna-Stina Boström, Vexve's Marketing and Communications Director.
There are about 150 district heating companies in Finland. Additionally, several hundred contractors as well as equipment and service suppliers work in the area. The association is intended for all operators wanting to actively develop the district heating sector.
”The industry has lacked a national body to take care of the long term image development, marketing and promotion of exports of district heating,” state CEOs Vesa-Pekka Vainikka, Imatran Lämpö Oy (front); Ari-Matti Mattila Kauhavan, Kaukolämpö Oy and Matti Laukkanen, Hyvinkään Lämpövoima Oy
Photograph Paula Lehto
The Finnish Energy association (Energiateollisuus ry) will continue to represent the interests of the district heating sector. FinDHC will work in close cooperation with Finnish Energy.
FinDHC is an association founded by Finnish district heating companies and industry equipment and service suppliers. It promotes the use of district heating and is actively involved in the debate on heating solutions. The association also supports the export of Finnish district heating technology and expertise.