Significant projects for NET4GAS yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Over 10 years we cooperate with the biggest Czech gas company NET4GAS, which holds an exclusive gas transmission system operator license in the Czech Republic. NET4GAS operate almost 4 000 km of pipeline and transfer about 45 billion m3 of natural gas per year.

Company NET4GAS announce tenders for the projects and within huge competition the supplier with the lowest price, best references and the one who respect the date of delivery wins. Everything is under a strict penalty.
Projects C4G and Jirkov
We help NET4GAS to solve operational problems, make repairs and exchange ball valves on a gas pipeline and at compression stations every year. These are mainly underground ball valves from DN 300 to DN 1400, in pressure PN 100.
In addition to the realization of the ordinary orders, we participate in deliveries within significant NET4GAS projects. For example, in 2019 we succeeded in two large projects – “C4G” and “Jirkov”. Within these two projects, we realized deliveries in worth more than 120 mil. CZK. It was mostly about ball valves K92.24 DN 300 and higher, PN 100. It worth to mention huge ball valves DN 1400. We delivered within these projects last pieces of valves in February 2020.
Every order is important to us
We currently also deliver valves for local connection between NET4GAS, RWE – Gas Net, RWE Gas Storage, or between other subjects, such as constructions of new areas, constructions of underground gas tank, gas factory, control stations, cogeneration, etc. For small distributions, bypasses, and technologies start our deliveries of ball valves from DN 25 PN 100. In January of this year, two more ball valves were shipped, when the smaller one, DN 500, will be installed on local gas pipeline Jilemnice – Chotěboř and bigger one, DN 1000, will serve as route closure TU 33S on the new gas pipeline “Jirkov”. Both valves are equipped with a stem extension and Protegol protective coating due to underground installation. Increasingly, special ball valves in the metal x metal design are also being supplied.
For more information: Rostislav Rakús, sales representative for Czech Republic