Steps towards a sustainable future

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) stands for environmental, social and governance issues. Corporate responsibility is typically assessed from these three dimensions.
Our goal to be the leading provider of mission-critical valve solutions in the transition to a low-carbon future means that sustainable business is the focal point of all our actions. Our work is based on our values – working together, being bold and taking responsibility. We build profitable businesses in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable way.
Vexve’s sustainability activities are guided by our focus areas, performance indicators and targets, which are regularly assessed.
Our sustainability goals support the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Out of the total 17 targets, we have identified five areas (seen in the picture above) where our activities and products have the greatest positive impact or where we aim to minimise our negative impact.
Actions for coming years
We have been actively reducing Vexve's carbon footprint – the total amount of greenhouse gases produced by our operations – since 2021. In 2023, the largest greenhouse gas emissions were caused by the goods and energy purchased by our company and the heating of our production facilities. However, several emission sources were missing from our calculation, and we had to estimate their contribution.
One of our biggest future achievements will be starting to use 100 % fossil-free energy at all Vexve’s European factories during 2024. This action will have a big positive impact on cutting our total greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint. In 2024, we will work to improve our calculations for greenhouse gas emissions, especially in Scope 3. From 2025, we will have emission reduction targets and measures related to all emission categories (Scope 1-3).
Our mission is to work towards a low-carbon future, but ESG work is also about social responsibility and corporate governance. Conducting the Employee Satisfaction Survey for the whole company, thoroughly reviewing the responses and taking action based on the results is an important tool for employee engagement, workplace development and improving employee well-being at Vexve. We also want our employees to have safe working conditions and continuously develop our working methods, safety-related instructions and communication.Ethical business practices at Vexve are described in our Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct which set out standards of behaviour for all our employees and ethical guidance we expect all our suppliers to commit to.
"Vexve has been working on sustainability for many years," says Vexve’s Development Manager, ESG Mia Piirainen. "We will harmonise all sustainability practices across the company and make our operations more transparent. This will help our customers achieve their sustainability goals even better. We also aim to make this work more visible to our personnel and stakeholders."
As one important step for added transparency Vexve is preparing for sustainability reporting according to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
We will keep you informed about the new steps we take towards a low-carbon future while continuing to offer our customers superior product quality and excellent service. Together we can build a greener future!
Read more about sustainability and responsibility at Vexve.