District Energy

Fortum Espoo
Fortum is a clean energy power company that offers solutions for electricity, heating and cooling.
Fortum is a clean energy power company that offers solutions for electricity, heating and cooling. Now Fortum is building a five-kilometer long district heat transmission line from Kivenlahti Espoo to Puolarmetsä.
The pipeline will prepare for the construction of a bio-heating plant in Kivenlahti, which will significantly reduce CO² emissions in Espoo, as the new bio-heating plant will use wood-based fuels, such as logging residues and by-products from the forest industry.
The new transmission line has internal insulation alarm wires, which are connected to Vexve's iSENSE Pulse leakage monitoring system. The system enables real-time leak detection and precise localization with pulse measurement technology.
Leakage detection is based on reflections of the pulse and the leakage is located based on the travelling time of the pulse in the wires. New technologies will continue to be an important part of reliable heat distribution to Espoo's district heating customers also in the future.
Related products:

About this project
District heating transmission line leakage detection
Energy distribution
Contact person

Maria Kalli
Director, District Energy
+358 50 379 1730
District Energy
Represented brands
- Vexve